This is a cellular automaton simulator running as a shader on your GPU. The controls require a keyboard.
It’s a decent simulation, but the interface is basically unusable. I made this tool so I could generate tiling patterns quickly. I didn’t put time into making it approachable, so instead I’m writing this apology. Sorry!
If you’re brave, I think you can figure it out! If you’re not familiar with the concept of a cellular automaton, it might help to brush up first. Or just start hitting buttons and see what happens.
If you take any cool screenshots, feel free to share them with me. I love seeing how people use tools like this.
One last thing: I made a fractal explorer based on this code, and it’s way easier to get visually interesting results with it. Unless you’re specifically interested in cellular automata, you might want to check that one out instead.
Note: not everything is configurable from this interface. To make deeper tweaks, follow the README and start running the code locally.