This page lets you zoom into, modify, and explore some common fractals. The URL updates as you
explore, so you can share discoveries just by copying the page address.
It’s a naive GPU implementation that doesn’t allow for arbitrary precision. This means that it loses
resolution at a fairly shallow zoom depth of ~100000x.
Desktop controls
Click: set the image center
Scroll ↕: zoom in / out
C: Increment color palette (decrement with Shift + C)
D: Increase pixel density (decrease with Shift + D)
E: Increase exponent (decrease with Shift + E)
F: Change fractal type
I: Increase constant imaginary component (decrease with Shift +
I) (does not affect Mandelbrot or Burning Ship sets)
L: Show / hide command labels
O: Reset center to origin
Q: Increase escape radius (decrease with Shift + P)
R: Increase constant real component (decrease with Shift +
R) (does not affect Mandelbrot or Burning Ship sets)
S: Increase animation speed (decrease with Shift + S)
T: Toggle transition smoothing
U: Increase band spacing (decrease with Shift + U)
V: Save frame(s)
X: Clear state
Z: Zoom in slowly (zoom out with Shift + Z)
←→↑↓: Fine-adjust image center
Space: Play / pause animation (change direction with Shift +