
This project is no longer maintained. CSS now has built-in support for setting color-interpolation-method. Transitioning through the oklch color space is a superior alternative to using this library.


sweep.js is a small JavaScript library (5kb zipped) that enables proper color transitions through the HSL and HUSL spaces. Ordinary CSS transitions and existing frameworks convert HSL colors to RGB before transitioning. sweep.js addresses this by letting you transition through the color spectrum.

I've written an in-depth post about the need for HSL transitions here.


As a bundle:

bower install -S sweep

As a standalone library:

<script src="//"></script>

...or just visit the repo.

Sweep's dependencies are bundled; all you have to do is include the script. Sweep is wrapped with UMD, so it will also work as a module in your system of choice.


Using sweep.js to transition an element's color is easy. Whenever you want to trigger an HSL sweep, call:

sweep(target, properties, fromColor, toColor[, options]);

an animation object with pause and resume methods is returned, which can be used like this:

// starts the animation
var transition = sweep(target, properties, fromColor, toColor[, options]);

// stops the animation

// resumes the animation



var ex1 = document.querySelector('#ex1');
ex1.addEventListener('click', function() {
  sweep(ex1, 'backgroundColor', '#a8f', '#a8f', {direction: -1, duration: 2000});
}, false);



var ex2 = document.querySelector('#ex2'), transition;

ex2.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() {
  if (transition) transition.pause();
  transition = sweep(ex2, 'backgroundColor', getStyle(ex2, 'background-color'), '#0fa');
}, false);

ex2.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() {
  if (transition) transition.pause();
  transition = sweep(ex2, 'backgroundColor', getStyle(ex2, 'background-color'), '#a8f');
}, false);


Check it out on GitHub